Sipoonlahti Campus
Our team won the invited architectural competition for Sipoonlahti school (2015-16) together with Architects Frondelius+Keppo+Salmenperä Ltd. The project’s aim is to extend the existing school building and kindergarten, transform the existing buildings into a future learning environment and to develop the surrounding area into an open sports and learning park. The competition task was exceptionally broad: together with our pedagogic designer, we developed a pedagogic concept for the school and drafted the school’s room program as a part of the competition.
Our team started designing the campus area in spring 2016. Our registered collaborative Architects Rudanko + Kankkunen Ltd. and Architects Frondelius+Keppo+Salmenperä Ltd. holds the overall design contract of the campus. Other design field act as our subcontractors.
Architects: Anssi Kankkunen, Hilla Rudanko, Mikko Kilpeläinen, Valter Rutanen, Jaakko Keppo, Matti Sten, Jari Frondelius, Juha Salmenperä
Our team started designing the campus area in spring 2016. Our registered collaborative Architects Rudanko + Kankkunen Ltd. and Architects Frondelius+Keppo+Salmenperä Ltd. holds the overall design contract of the campus. Other design field act as our subcontractors.
Architects: Anssi Kankkunen, Hilla Rudanko, Mikko Kilpeläinen, Valter Rutanen, Jaakko Keppo, Matti Sten, Jari Frondelius, Juha Salmenperä
Year: Invited competition, 1st. Prize 2016. Finished in 2020
Client: Sipoo municipality
Size: 13620 brm2
Scope: Educational buildings, area design, learning environment design